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C. H. Booth Library Minutes
Regular Board of Trustees Meeting
September 14, 2010

Present:  Robert Cox, Dan Cruson, John Godin, Colleen Honan, Mary Kelley, Bill Lavery, Martin Margulies, Bill McCarthy, Jennifer Reilly, Martha Robilotti, Michelle Rosenthal, Peter Stern, Janet Woycik, Paul Sirois and John Trentacosta.  
Brenda McKinley, library staff member, attended to present a report on technology

Absent:   Kathy Geckle, Nancy Reidy, Moira Rodgers

Meeting called to order at 7:02 pm

Consideration of Minutes:  The minutes of the July meeting were unanimously accepted.  Bill Lavery moved to accept, John Godin seconded.

Public Participation: None

President’s Announcements: Colleen Honan, a new board member was introduced and welcomed.  Board President, Martha Robilotti, announced that a letter was received from the Friends regarding their donations which would be discussed.  

Treasurer’s Report:  Bill McCarthy, board treasurer, announced that the finance committee will meet before the October meeting for the annual audit with Don Studley.

Mr. McCarthy explained details from the financial reports regarding the Friends of the Library disbursements.  

Bill Lavery moved to approve the Funds provided by the Friends of the Library Statement of Revenue and Disbursements Final Draft.  The motion was seconded by John Godin and unanimously approved.

Bill Lavery moved to delegate to the Library Director the allocation of the first disbursement of Friends’ funds for 2010-2011.  Martin Margulies seconded with unanimous approval.

Mr. McCarthy discussed the advantages of reporting library finances on a cash basis with a few items adjusted on an accrual basis at the fiscal year’s end due to the library’s operating procedures.

Bill Lavery moved to accept the treasurer’s recommendation that the budget documents be recorded on a cash basis.  John Godin seconded with unanimous approval.

Report of the Library Director:  Brenda McKinley, the head of the library’s Technical services Department reported on changes being made in the library’s computer systems including an upgrade in Bibliomation’s cataloging software.  The library staff have been working to prepare for the new system which will be upgraded in May.

A different system upgrade will occur this week (Sept 16-17) in which the computers will be down.  Patrons will be able to check out books, but other services, such as holds, will not be available those days.

The wireless system needs to be replaced.  The cost will be $5450.

Martin Margulies made a motion to approve asking the Friends of the Library to pay for the wireless system.  Bill Lavery seconded, with unanimous approval.  

Janet Woycik, Library Director, delivered her report including updates on circulation and computer usage.  Computer usage by patrons during August was exceptionally high.

Committee Reports:
        Policies and Personnel: Michelle Rosenthal reported that the committee will meet in the next week or two to supply a draft of the employee manual for legal review.

        Fund Raising:  John Godin reported that the annual letter drafts are done with a target date of October 15 for mailing.
        Newtown Savings Bank will be the title sponsor for the road race.  Many sponsors  are being contacted, and some donations have been confirmed.

        Building, Grounds, and Interior:  Bob Cox noted that July’s roof repairs seem to be successful.  It was noted that the handrail on the exterior walkway needs to be painted and repaired.

        Friends of the Library Liaison: Peter Stern reported that there will be a book collection day in October.  The Book Nook will be renamed and remarketed to “The Little Book Store”.  The Friends are forming a committee for a “Vision Project” to which library staff can request funds for special ideas and projects.

        Art Liaison:  Michelle Rosenthal reported that the Meeting Room is booked with artists through this year and into spring.

        Historical Liaison:  Dan Cruson noted that the display of Victorian post-mortem photos will be on display until the end of September.

        Nominating Committee:  Bob Cox recommended that the vacant board seat be filled by Carolyn Faxon.

Bill Lavery moved to accept the Nominating Committee’s recommendation.  Peter Stern seconded with unanimous approval.  

Old Business:  A proposal by the Connecticut State Library to digitize and display historical collections online was discussed.  
Bill Lavery moved to reject the Booth Library’s participation in this project.  John Godin seconded with a unanimous vote.

New Business :  None

Meeting adjourned at 8:33 pm.  Motion made by Bill Lavery; John Godin seconded.

Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer Reilly, Secretary